Historical Price

Filter Dates:







Historical price from

Dec 06, 2024


Mar 10, 2025

Date Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted Close a
Recent 2 weeks
(25/02/2025 - 10/03/2025)
4,130 4,130 3,560 3,850 54,314,6003,850
Previous 2 weeks
(11/02/2025 - 24/02/2025)
4,060 4,180 3,870 4,100 29,354,6004,100
Previous 4 weeks
(09/01/2025 - 10/02/2025)
4,400 4,560 4,000 4,060 52,801,0004,060
Daily Historical Data
10/03/2025 3,880 3,890 3,750 3,850 2,975,6003,850
07/03/2025 3,830 3,930 3,810 3,860 4,788,1003,860
06/03/2025 3,630 3,890 3,600 3,810 13,405,6003,810
05/03/2025 3,560 3,670 3,560 3,620 13,056,5003,620
04/03/2025 3,720 3,750 3,590 3,620 1,877,2003,620
03/03/2025 3,580 3,720 3,560 3,710 3,378,6003,710
28/02/2025 3,800 3,800 3,560 3,560 4,482,0003,560
27/02/2025 3,750 3,820 3,700 3,800 2,976,4003,800
26/02/2025 3,960 3,970 3,700 3,740 4,556,7003,740
25/02/2025 4,130 4,130 3,870 3,960 2,817,9003,960
24/02/2025 4,160 4,180 4,080 4,100 665,1004,100
21/02/2025 4,100 4,170 4,060 4,160 1,571,8004,160
20/02/2025 4,100 4,110 4,000 4,110 2,582,7004,110
19/02/2025 4,140 4,160 4,070 4,090 981,5004,090
18/02/2025 4,140 4,170 4,090 4,130 3,300,5004,130
17/02/2025 4,020 4,170 4,020 4,130 4,651,2004,130
14/02/2025 4,050 4,100 4,010 4,080 1,946,5004,080
13/02/2025 4,050 4,080 4,020 4,040 3,750,9004,040
12/02/2025 3,900 4,180 3,900 4,070 5,172,5004,070
11/02/2025 4,060 4,060 3,870 3,900 4,731,9003,900
10/02/2025 4,080 4,120 4,030 4,060 1,845,4004,060
07/02/2025 4,150 4,150 4,000 4,080 6,726,8004,080
06/02/2025 4,170 4,170 4,090 4,150 900,7004,150
05/02/2025 4,170 4,170 4,110 4,129 901,1004,129
04/02/2025 4,110 4,190 4,110 4,150 1,882,7004,150
03/02/2025 4,230 4,230 4,040 4,100 3,737,4004,100
31/01/2025 4,280 4,280 4,200 4,230 4,276,0004,230
30/01/2025 4,330 4,340 4,260 4,260 1,930,9004,260
24/01/2025 4,450 4,450 4,320 4,320 1,108,7004,320
23/01/2025 4,390 4,450 4,360 4,420 1,677,0004,420
22/01/2025 4,360 4,390 4,340 4,340 478,8004,340
21/01/2025 4,330 4,370 4,320 4,360 859,7004,360
20/01/2025 4,310 4,330 4,210 4,250 2,428,2004,250
17/01/2025 4,300 4,350 4,290 4,300 2,054,4004,300
16/01/2025 4,260 4,360 4,230 4,300 3,902,6004,300
15/01/2025 4,260 4,280 4,190 4,240 4,189,5004,240
14/01/2025 4,420 4,430 4,180 4,240 5,069,8004,240
13/01/2025 4,500 4,500 4,380 4,410 3,356,2004,410
10/01/2025 4,500 4,560 4,470 4,500 3,161,0004,500
09/01/2025 4,400 4,560 4,380 4,480 2,314,1004,480
08/01/2025 4,500 4,550 4,380 4,400 7,700,3004,400
07/01/2025 4,590 4,590 4,450 4,480 3,702,3004,480
06/01/2025 4,410 4,590 4,390 4,580 7,894,2004,580
03/01/2025 4,310 4,450 4,310 4,440 2,073,8004,440
02/01/2025 4,340 4,360 4,290 4,360 1,134,9004,360
30/12/2024 4,330 4,450 4,320 4,330 2,977,7004,330
27/12/2024 4,310 4,350 4,300 4,330 970,0004,330
24/12/2024 4,350 4,390 4,300 4,310 1,410,9004,310
23/12/2024 4,100 4,410 4,100 4,350 5,979,3004,350
20/12/2024 4,030 4,130 3,940 4,090 4,292,2004,090
19/12/2024 4,150 4,200 3,980 4,030 8,633,4004,030
18/12/2024 4,300 4,320 4,130 4,180 4,527,7004,180
17/12/2024 4,350 4,360 4,290 4,300 3,513,3004,300
16/12/2024 4,490 4,490 4,350 4,370 2,778,0004,370
13/12/2024 4,510 4,510 4,410 4,460 3,170,0004,460
12/12/2024 4,570 4,570 4,470 4,500 1,101,5004,500
11/12/2024 4,500 4,570 4,500 4,540 2,597,0004,540
10/12/2024 4,550 4,570 4,440 4,450 4,633,2004,450
09/12/2024 4,580 4,590 4,520 4,520 3,550,7004,520
06/12/2024 4,570 4,630 4,520 4,580 2,215,7004,580

a - Adjusted for corporate events to ensure the prices are always comparable across different periods. These events include

  • Special Dividend
  • Dividend-In-Specie
  • Capital Reduction and Cash Distribution
  • Bonus Issue
  • Rights Issue / Preferential Offer / Open Offer
  • Share Split / Share Consolidation